How to vote?
To find the links, use: /vote ingame or click on the links below
Note: You must be on the server to be rewarded!
Reward on creative:
Each vote will reward you with 2 coins
Every 4 votes = 24h of building tools as WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, GoBrush, & GoPaint
Reward on towny:
1 votetoken (Spend using /tokenshop)
$500 In-Game money
20 EXP
1 Vote Crate Key
-1 Vote Needed for the VoteParty
$100 added to the Lottery
(use /votetotals):
5 votes in 1 day = $1000 + Magical Book
35 Votes in 1 week = 8000 + 12 extra VoteTokens
140 in 1 month = $30000 + 2 VoteParty Crates
Last updated